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Jane vei oman englanninryhmänsä katsomaan nykytaiteen näyttelyä Riihisaaren museoon. Kyllähän tuo näyttää kiinnostavan, ainakin yksi Juha Lahtisen veistoksista saa osakseen huomiota. |
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Kuvassa pieni osa Andreas Kopp’n teoksesta. Jokainen osa tätä teosta on uniikki, sillä ne on tehty metallilevyille eikä niitä voi kopioida. |
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Nämä kaksi ovat sekatekniikalla toteuttaneet Jan Pohribny ja oppaanammekin toiminut Kirsimaria E. Törönen-Ripatti. Pohribny on ottanut kuvat ja Törönen-Ripatti suunnitellut kuviin lisätyt kuviot. |
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Tässä ovat neljä teosta, jotka kuuluvat Andreas Holzknecht’n maalausten sarjaan Everyday Burka. Hän on ikuistanut burkaan pihagrillinsä, yksityislentokoneen, auton ja traktorin. |
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Filomena Boreckan teos on kaksi ilmassa leijuvaa veistosta, jotka pyörivät hitaasti ympyrää moottorien avulla. Myös tastalla näkyvät varjot kuuluvat teokseen. |
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Kaksi Tuomo Kukkosen akryylimaalausta. Kumpikin taulu on maalattu pleksille ja ne kuuluvat sarjaan Haaveiden maa. |
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Juhana Moisanderin Kiiras-sarjan valokuvia. |
Lisätietoa saa osoitteesta: www.europeanhorizons.eu
Näyttelyssä vierailleet nuoret kommentoivat näyttelyä:
I´ve never been too into art so this exhibition called European Horizons was something new for me. It´s about cultural interaction from different artists´ point of view. Abstract and confusing paintings don´t interest me at all, especially those which look like kids´ paintings. However this art was more enjoyable when we heard about the artists´ backgrounds and their pieces of work. I think this was a good experience and it made me look art from a different perspective. Henna 11b
I´m not usually a friend of paintings and sculptures but I was positively surprised that the exhibition wasn´t as boring as I thought! I really liked that the guide gave us much background information so we could understand the pieces of art better. My favorites were the photographs which were introduced us first and which were made by a Czech artist. Vilma
In my opinion all was modern art and all artists had their own little story they had brought in their work of art. I think I haven´t visited an art gallery before this and I must tell I´m not interested in art and I got bored there. But the things that the artist tried to bring out in the works were pretty interesting and I listened to them with pleasure. In my opinion visiting the art gallery was a good change for studying in class but I am probably not going to any galleries anymore. Simo 11b
Overall, I was pretty underwhelmed by the exhibition. For starters, I thought it would be larger. The overall theme was not to my liking. I myself like abstract, formless art more than simple paintings. The theme “social challenges” doesn´t really tick with me. For my favorite piece of art from the exhibition I would choose the wooden sculptures of Juha Lahtinen. They were free and flowing, a contrast to the forced nature of the other works. All in all, the exhibition didn´t really awaken strong feelings. Lassi 11c
I went there with so bored and prejudiced attitude. But in my mind the paintings were fascinating. The best thing in the visit was that I understood almost every word that the guide said! That was so rousing and inspired me a lot in my studies. I also got the idea of art. Maybe I could someday go to the museum by myself or buy some masterpieces to my home. Laura 11c
Kuvatekstit: Veera Mikkonen
Kuvat: Jane Visuri, Martin Koci ja Veera Mikkonen